Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Susu perahan beku dan dilema kita

                                                 Susu perahan beku dan dilema kita

Paste Info dari

01 Jul 2010

Posted by Fid

saya paste kat sinilah serba sedikit

1) macam mana keadaan fizikal susu yg telah dikebekukan?masih sama macam yg asal ke?ada antara susu sy yg dibekukan tu jd 2 layer (tapi tak la ketara sgt) dan bila dicairkan (letak kt tingkat bawah) susu jd macam ada biji2 kecil walaupun dah digoncang…tapi ada juga yg tak jd 2 layer dan takde biji2 tu…keadaan mana yg sebenarnya…saya pakai peti ais 1 pintu…

susu dibekukan memang macam tu

ada 2 layer sebab ada lapisan lemak dan air

itu perkara biasa dalam susu perahan.

memang bau susu dibekukan agak lain daripada yang segar tapi ia masih berkhasiat

selagi tak rasa masam susu tu ok

susu perahan tak boleh digoncang ..hanya perlu goyang goyang tarikan botol/bekas simpan tu saja…

kalau ada macam biji biji tu maknanya tak caie sepenuhnya la tu

macam ni

selepas cairkan susu tu rendam dalam air suam..insya Allah dia akan jadi cair macam susu biasa..kalau ada dua lapisan…goyang goyang tari bekas tu…susu dua lapisan tu akan bersatu

Don’t Shake the Milk

Linda J. Smith, BSE, FACCE, IBCLC

Why not?

Because shaking expressed mothers’ milk (or boiling or freezing it) denatures the shaped molecules of the protective proteins, leaving only the pieces – the amino acids – the parts. Lactoferrin, lysozyme, and other protective components work their protection magic when they are in their original shaped molecular structure. Some components remain intact, even during freezing, shaking or heating. They not only protect the gut from many kinds of infection, but also prevent inflammation of the gut lining. Even broken up, the separate amino acids are still really good stuff and are digested by the baby as nutrients.

Imagine a set of pop-beads assembled into a necklace or bracelet. When the beads are acting as a bracelet or necklace, they are doing their job as protective elements. When you break apart the beads, you have in your hand many individual chunks of amino acids which are then digested.

Cellular components are also susceptible to damage by physical stress. After all, they are living cells.

With mother’s milk, you get at least two functions for the price of one. With manufactured formula, you only get the individual beads, never the necklace or bracelet. And never the living cells.

So, please handle human milk gently, respectfully and kindly. It’s far more than perfect food for babies – it’s a living tissue and protective shield too.

© 1998 Linda J. Smith, BSE, FACCE, IBCLC

2) kalau saya dah turunkan ke tingkat bawah, berapa hari susu boleh tahan…sama macam susu fresh yg diletakkan di bawah juga ke jangka hayatnye?

24 jam sahaja…susu tahan 24 jam sahaja selepas dicairkan…

3) susu yg dah saya keluarkan dr peti dan dah direndam untuk disuamkan, tapi baby saya tak sempat minum dah tertidor…brapa lama susu tu boleh tahan…dlm tempoh 1 jam juga ke atau lebih…sbb baby mmg tak sempat minum langsung lagi…maknanyer susu tu tak bercampur dengan air liur baby lagi…

dalam masa satu jam juga….tak boleh disimpan semula

4) susu yg telah dibekukan bila dicairkan dan disuamkan, warna susu akan sedikit berubah dari asal ke? sedikit kekuningan ke? saya rasa macam was-was je ngan EBM yg saya simpan ni..


akan berubah sikitlah

tetapi masih berkhasiat melebih khasiat susu buatan manusia

tak perlu was was

selagi susu tu tak RASA masam basi susu itu tetap elok

susu basi akan masam..kalau rasa susu tu masih manis..susu itu OK

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